How to Bridge from Ethereum to Manta Pacific using Enkrypt

How to Bridge from Ethereum to Manta Pacific using Enkrypt

Enkrypt is a multichain, non-custodial, and open-source web3 browser wallet built by the team behind MEW (MyEtherWallet). With Enkrypt, users and developers can generate accounts, manage tokens and NFTs, and interact with DApps on Manta Pacific, as well as Substrate and Bitcoin chains. Follow the instructions in this guide in order to bridge to Manta Pacific!

Layer 2s and scalability networks like Manta Pacific are compatible with Ethereum, but you can't just send assets from Ethereum to Manta Pacific in a regular transaction. The way to transfer assets between Ethereum and Layer 2s is through applications called bridges.

To start trading tokens on Manta Pacific instead of Ethereum, bridge your assets to the Manta Pacific network.

To begin, head to

Click on "Connect Wallet" on the top right corner of the page.

The interface shown below will pop up. Click on Enkrypt.

Once you're connected, enter in the amount ETH you want to bridge.

Alternatively, you can bridge a different token by clicking on the token dropdown menu where you see the Ethereum logo.

When you're ready, click on "Deposit" to initiate the bridge.

After clicking on "Deposit", Enkrypt will pop up. Click on "Send".

After a few seconds the transaction will be completed.

Check your Enkrypt wallet - you'll see your bridged assets there!

By clicking on "DApps" on the bottom right of your wallet, you'll see some featured Manta Pacific DApps.

Thank you for checking out our guide on bridging your tokens to Scroll with Enkrypt! Don't forget to download Enkrypt for a seamless web3 multichain wallet experience. We would love to hear from you on our social media about any guide suggestions you have for the future. Also, if you enjoy using mobile cryptocurrency wallets, give our MEW Wallet mobile app a try, it's available on both iOS and Android platforms!

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