Bridging to Canto using Synapse Protocol

Use the multichain web3 browser extension wallet Enkrypt to bridge to Canto on Synapse Bridge

Bridging to Canto using Synapse Protocol

‌Canto is an L1 built on the same principles that started crypto in the first place - decentralization, accessibility, transparency and fairness in a modern world.

Enkrypt is a multichain, non-custodial, and open-source web3 browser wallet built by the team behind MEW (MyEtherWallet). With Enkrypt, users and developers can generate accounts, manage tokens and NFTs, and interact with DApps on Canto, as well as Substrate and EVM chains.

In order to interact with Canto DApps, you will need to bridge your assets from Ethereum to Canto. Follow the guide below to get started!

*Bridging from chain to chain is always a security risk. We are using this bridge solely as an example. Please continue at your own discretion, and do your own research before bridging assets from one chain to another. *

‌First things first - make sure you have Enkrypt installed! For help installing and setting up Enkrypt, click here.

Once you’re set up and ready to bridge, head to Synapse Bridge. Synapse is currently the most widely used cross-chain messaging system and bridge. Compared to what is available at the moment, Synapse offers the easiest experience when bridging onto Canto.

You’ll land on the following page. Enkrypt will automatically connect.

From the navigation bar, click on "bridge".

Once on the Bridging page, make sure the origin chain and destination chain are correct. In order to change one or the other, click on the downward pointing arrow to the right of the listed chains.

After clicking on the downward pointing arrow, the following window will appear. Select "Canto".

Your interface should look similar to the picture below. Select which crypto you want to bridge, then enter in the corresponding amount.

The following will pop-up, asking you to verify your transaction.

After confirming the transaction, the “Bridge Watcher” will appear at the bottom of the page. This will give you a real-time update on how much longer you need to wait for your funds to finish bridging.

To see your transaction details and confirm your transaction on an explorer, head to

When you're all done you should see your bridged token in your Enkrypt wallet! Welcome to Cantofornia 🤝

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