Converting ETH to BTC
Use the multichain web3 browser extension wallet Enkrypt to bridge and convert ETH to BTC!

Enkrypt is a multichain, non-custodial, and open-source web3 browser wallet built by the team behind MEW (MyEtherWallet). With Enkrypt, users and developers can generate accounts, manage tokens and NFTs, and interact with DApps on Ethereum, as well as Substrate and all EVM chains. Follow this guide for help converting ETH to BTC within Enkrypt!
*Bridging from chain to chain is always a security risk. Please continue at your own discretion, and do your own research before bridging assets from one chain to another. *
First things first - make sure you have Enkrypt installed! For help installing and setting up Enkrypt, click here.

Once you’re set up and ready to bridge, open up Enkrypt. Click on the chain you want to bridge from, then click on "Swap".

In the "Swap" interface, enter the amount you want to bridge. Then, click on the network drop-down tab to select your destination chain/network.

After selecting Bitcoin (BTC) and entering in how much you'd like to convert, it'll look like the picture below. Click on "Preview swap" to continue.

The following will appear while Enkrypt aggregates the best deal for your transaction.

A preview will pop-up, showing the best current rate between assets. Click on "Proceed with swap" to continue.

The following will appear, indicating that you've done everything right. Congrats, your BTC will arrive in a matter of minutes! Welcome to the multichain future 😊